Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Simple Things in Life.....

I feel like I have been saying "It's been a while..." or "Long time no talk..." in all my blog posts lately but here it is again....... It's been a while! We have started shooting our catalog (for my dad's company) & I have been working 30+ hours a week. Plus, any working mom knows that just because you clocked out of work doesn't mean you get to go home, grab take out, & watch t.v. all night long.... You walk through the door & clock into your mommy/wife job.... and you are expected to do it with a smile... Some days it harder than others but you just do it. I have A LOT of respect for working moms. Props. I couldn't do it year around. Lucky, I have a WONDERFUL manny... Heehee, been wanting to use that word! It's actually my wonderful, younger brother in law. He is UH-MAZING with the kids & they love him. In fact, I had last Friday off & when the kids woke up they were NOT excited to see me... First thing out of my oldest's mouth was, "Where's Uncle Deek?!!" I was a little sad but I guess i'm just not as fun... I'll take it. :) Anyways, I missed blogging... Can you tell?! I can't stop talking, err I mean I can't stop typing. The title of this post is "The Simple Things in Life." I got inspired... My husband prolly just thought, "GREAT, What now?!" I was walking in Target today with my two, beautiful, misbehaving daughters & I walked by some BEAUTIFUL, bright, simple kitchen additions. Originally, when my husband & I got married our kitchen was black & red... Cute, but so not summery or springy. So, over the years I added some greens & yellows here & there. So I was super excited when I saw this red, orange, & yellow stripped mat & kitchen towels. I walked by them & said no, I don't need it but then went back because I thought I deserve it!  So, I wanted to inspire you too! I added these two, small, inexpensive (yes, babe you can take a sigh of relief), pieces to my kitchen & I feel like a whole new woman! I was so excited that I had to blog about it because it is the simple things in life that make us happy. Here is a picture of my new items.... Hope that I was able to inspire you to reward yourself whether it is a small addition to your kitchen or a yummy piece of pie! You DESERVE it, YES, you! 

Until Next Time--
(Crazy, Wannabe) Supermom